Financial Support
Finance Supporting Teaching and Learning
It isn’t rocket science
A good finance team supports teaching and learning, providing clear and transparent information to senior leaders that enables them to make the best use of available resources for the benefit of pupils.
We are qualified accountants that understand and work almost exclusively with the academy sector. Our job is to ensure your historical and projected financial information is accurate and timely, and then to communicate this effectively.
Well planned
We work with you to plan our annual calendars in advance, including monthly visits and indicative dates to ensure budget preparation, ESFA returns and support through external audit are sufficiently resourced to ensure all deadlines are met in good time.
A flexible approach that cares about your budget
We understand that not every academy will have the same needs and requirements. The skills and experience of School Business Managers will always vary between academies, particularly with a newly formed trust.
We understand this and will tailor our approach to fit your needs. Where an academy has the skills to do more we will ensure we focus on reviewing and checking rather than preparation work. We will never charge you for work that is unnecessary and can be carried out by your in-house team.